Hello Server Side Includes

Hello fellow e-Coders!

This is the beginning of a long and arduous adventure into the world of normal CGI Programming. Perl is the starting point. C and C++ along with Java will be used as will JavaScript and VBScript. Server Side Includes will be examined for their usefulness along with style sheets to provide a rich WEB experience. My interest in SGML will be investigated through the use of XML.

I am now embarked upon phase II of my new life after the "Nav." I have completed my Computer Science Degree and will immerse myself into the web. Unix will be the starting point and will be followed by Windows Platforms. Interactive programs will be created using standard file reads as well as communication with the mySQL database. PHP will be utilized on Unix as will Cold Fusion on Windows. If server availabiltiy permits I will further my work with Lotus Domino applications.

I have been doing non-normal CGI programming on the mainframe using PL/I for a few years now and I am looking forward to delving into some of the features available to "regular" Web programmers. Access to data is my primary interest; however, I want to master some of the techniques of providing visually interesting applications.

For Information or Consultation: Please Contact Richard D. Shuster (619) 563-2642
rshuster@e-codestar.com    Click to Mail
Current Date/Time GMT: Thursday, October 24 2024: 05:31
Document: hello.shtml

Last Updated and Validated: Tuesday, January 21 2020: 01:03
File Size: 1,844 bytes